Absolutely connected with this. I'm about to start a 2 year creative writing course. I'm 52. It's taken me considerable time to sign up to it. Both excited to be learning again but also worried about how vulnerable I'll be and feel.

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Right on! Those pictures sure are pretty. I bet the air smells nice, too.

FWIW I am starting back at school too, at the ripe old age of 50. Best of luck to you.

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Oh Anne I can’t wait to read this. Beginner’s mind and wonder are favorite topics of mine that I explore often (I’m even starting to notice that I’m running into challenges where I seem to be in a very different mental place than others at times. It’s some odd dissonance I’m trying to puzzle out.) I am saving this for a tomorrow morning reading session with a good cup of coffee. ☕️

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Your new adventure sounds like just that, an adventure in the best way! I am feeling more energized due to cooler temps and the changing season, but I am also aware that I am continuing in a season of rest and balance. I am making small tweaks, adding drops of things, and making sure I've got enough space around my projects to feel calm about them. We are probably moving next summer, so there's plenty of change coming. But even that feels like it can be accomplished one steady step at a time. Thanks as always, Ann.

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It sounds absolutely wonderful. Enjoy! One of the glorious things about being a student after a long time as a teacher, I always think, is simply to be on the receiving end of being offered things. To realize that for this period of time the folks teaching the classes are literally there to make one stronger in one's subject. It's one of the nicest feelings in the world, and of course applies to anyone moving from working to being a student, but perhaps easier to notice when one has also taught and so understands the teacher roles and classroom dynamics from both sides.

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Yes, Fall is wonderful. I am in year two of my doctoral program, but I'm also writing and feeling shiny most days. I'm looking forward to following your journey.

And the pictures are gorgeous.


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It is always great to be a student again. I don’t think I have ever stopped. This year, I am taking a year off from my elementary teaching job and am focusing on launching my 18-year-old into her academic career. I am immensely grateful to have her home with me after having lost her for the past 3 years to parental alienation. This fall will involve my healing and processing that and trying to recover my creative voice again. May we all find joy!💕💕💕

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Great post, as usual! I too like trying new things. While I still teach the occasional course, I began taking writing classes a few years back, beginning with Natalie Goldberg, who just happened to be a Zen Buddhist. Last fall I took an online flash fiction course with Sherrie Flick, who is a wonderful teacher. I also felt quite comfortable with the other students. At the end of the course, Sherrie actually told me how helpful I had been. It was great to learn how fiction writing works and it has actually helped my teaching of fiction.

I used to have a blog -- pigeonfiles.com -- but gave it up. I recently decided to start a Substack, so I will soon be posting under that name. I too find that there have been endings and new beginnings during this period. I'm letting go of what is no longer nurturing.

I'd like to add that I was inspired to finally read EG's Eat, Pray, Love. What a revelation! I am loving it, so thanks for the recommendation. That EG is something else -- talk about audacious!

Wishing you the very best with your new classes. I don't think you could do much better than Jeanette Winterson for starters. I'm also very curious to hear about this new experience.

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Intentionally introducing something new is such a beautiful and empowering (and simple) way to break out of stuckness. Such a good reminder. I've been thinking a lot about taking a class or two. I've been teaching myself new things for so long, I'm really craving the experience of simply being a student. Of sitting down and learning from someone who knows more than me. I hope this new experience is expansive and fun!

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Good for you! I'm excited for you. Keep chasing the you that you want to be - whatever wanderings there may be.

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I sometimes find that change (even positive change, and especially the change from summer to fall) can be unsettling. Thank you for showing us (elegantly as usual) that approaching something new with a beginner's eye and a child's curiosity can make beginnings something of an adventure.

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My pleasure, Kaarin! Thank YOU for reading and sharing this beautiful comment.

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Thank you for the reminder that newness always comes. I felt wonder and awe return again (along with being shit at something) when I started learning a new language (Irish) this year!

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That is definitely humbling! Everything is new!

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In my mid-50s and established in my career (law), I returned to school for MA in British literature .. LOL, totally out of my comfort zone being graded and taking tests but at the same time exciting and invigorating… I was working full time which made things a little crazy but, as my work focused on legal research and writing, I actually found that being knocked out of my comfort zone in a different realm kept my enthusiasm and perspective fresh when it came to the law😊

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I've been thinking of signing up for a creative class outside my 9-5, because I'm missing the feeling of starting something new in the fall (how you feel about fall absolutely resonates with me).

Hope Scotland is going well, I miss it dearly.

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I love this. My husband went to university at 40 (not "went back" - he went for the first time, in his home country of Italy student financing does not exist so he never had the opportunity to go) while also working part-time, and I was so proud of him. I love your wondrous and excited approach to it.

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Hello, Anne. I’m excited for your new adventure. I went to get my MFA in Creative Writing when I was 50. Such a wondrous experience! I was an 8th Grade Language Arts teacher in California. Like you, I adore autumn and new beginnings. Writing will give you so many gifts. Enjoy!

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