I agree with all your tips. I also absolutely agree to write down how you're feeling because that's always the tough bit for me afterwards when I'm reflecting on my travels. The word that comes up often, too, is "savor". Being in the moment. Drink it in. Feel it in my cells. It can be hard to put the camera down, but so worth it. And I regularly have to remind myself that I don't have to see everything. It has become more important for me as I travel to "go deep" aka less is more.

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I visited Edinburgh during the middle of an August, so it was crowded, but I loved the city anyway. Jealous of that room and its view!

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I loved this so much! And I had to laugh because I took a similar picture of that very same dish at La Coupole last year, so it almost felt like we were sharing a meal together. I noticed you were reading A Life of One's Own. May I assume (or hope, or wonder) if you've read any of the books in Deborah Levy's Living Autobiography? She writes so beautifully about writing and gender politics...

You asked about anything any of us might add to your list, and I just wanted to toss my two cents on the clothing front for long trips like this. My standby has been deep-pocketed wool leggings (like from Wool & Co. or WoolX, the pocket is the perfect size for my phone) and then either a cotton/linen tunic (in your aforementioned interchangeable black/gray/navy!) for hot months or lightweight wool for everything else. The wool is brilliant for travel since it never wrinkles, regulates temperature really well, and barely needs any care beyond just airing it out overnight.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Anne Boyd Rioux

For the most part, I enjoy traveling alone but there are those moments I wish I could share certain moments with someone else. A tip I would suggest would be to take a picture of important marking points like leaving a trail. I do that all the time with where I park.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Anne Boyd Rioux

I travelled alone for work several times and loved it.

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