I’m making my way through your past letters (I had a baby and I could not keep up 😅) and this instalment is so touching. I feel that even though we’re on different paths, I really needed to read these words today. People really are missing out not paying the extra $5, as Denise said.

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Thank you, Francesca! Congratulations on your baby! That is an incredible path to be on! Thanks for your kind words about my letter. I'm so glad that my words are helpful to you. :)

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Anne Boyd

I enjoy the history intermingled with your life experience. People are missing out not paying the extra $5.

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Thank you, Denise! I'm very glad to hear you are enjoying my letters. :)

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I listened and loved hearing your voice reading. Do this for your new ones. ❤❤💅

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Anne Boyd

Thank you for these quietly magnificent observations and insights, illumined from within.

I feel a coincidence-not-a-coincidence while reading your surprise about an interest in baking bread, and while in the shadow of the great hearth of Etna.

Surely something as elemental as bread’s ingredients and as transformative as its preparation is raising its voice to eventually be understood. Maybe a new path forward?

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Maybe. Certainly a path worth looking down at least. Glad you enjoyed my letter. :)

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Anne Boyd

Love the depth of your observations.

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